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It’s been an eventful few months here at FiSearch, as we have successfully launched our new Finance Recruitment business. 

After joining the FiSearch team in March, I was tasked with developing a modern, stand-out finance recruitment brand to be set apart from its competitors.

When starting out on our branding journey, we started off by asking ourselves: “what is our mission and how does this get conveyed in our branding?”

The answer, in short, is that FiSearch’s mission is to help companies hire through trusted relationships and to change the recruiting stereotype. A finance recruitment business headquartered in Bristol, hiring across the UK, Germany and The Netherlands. 

FiSearch strives to be an advisory partner that enables the growth of our clients, candidates and colleagues. To do this, we develop hiring solutions closely aligned with the ambitions and needs of our clients. We bring modern, forward-thinking and value-driven solutions. 

Recruitment brands are typically associated with impersonal websites filled with stock images and lacking modern design. Below you will discover how we applied a modern, bold and fresh approach to our branding, ensuring we stand out from our competitors.

Our Logo

FiSearch’s logo is made up of three, uniquely shaped blocks representing our three founders: Ben, Joe and Alex, our three locations: Berlin, Bristol and Amsterdam, and most importantly, our three core values: devoted, service -driven and original. All blocks slightly overlap to create one connected whole. 
The straight, no-nonsense lines create a feeling of stability and trustworthiness combined with the rounded corners which symbolise how approachable we are. Our logo is simple, clean and uncluttered,  representing our brand’s strength and efficiency.

Our colours

The logo is balanced with our dynamic colours which reflect our brand’s trustworthiness, modern spark and steadiness. Each colour brings a new segment of our identity to life:

Being the colour of sunshine, yellow puts a smile on the dial. The bright and warm colour stands as a base and comes back through our identity in small vibrant hints. 

Electric blue, the most universally appealing colour in the spectrum, helps our branding appear approachable and elicits confidence.

The light purple compliments the yellow and adds a kick to our branding. The energetic combination shows our modern approach by adding zest to everyday recruiting.  

And lastly, our background colour: a deep professional plum. Evoking steadiness and trusted establishment.

Our typography

FiSearch uses ‘Work Sans’, a sans serif font which gives a sleek and modern feel. We alternate across all mediums between bold, regular and thin. Our font has the best readability on long-form copy and is also used in our logo.

Our illustrations

To convey our brand look and feel to our target audiences we have used illustrations to enhance our mission. We have decided to use illustrations to go against the stereotypical approach of stock imagery often used on recruitment websites. Our illustrative identity is abstract as well as playful and our illustrations only ever use two tones of our brand colours. Our illustrations were created in partnership with the talented Olga Semklo using outlines with realistic characters to highlight the importance of transparency.

Our photography

As well as our illustrations, our photography also has a personal touch. The fresh and warm edit is open and friendly, highlighting our team.

Our website

FiSearch’s website is one of the most representative aspects of our brand identity. It has a modern look and feel with the use of gradients. Each page unfolds a new aspect of our identity with some pages using inverted/negative versions of our guidelines. The deep plum works as our background with hints of our colours on each page on the occasional important word or illustration.

Our tone of voice

FiSearch’s tone of voice is educative, passionate, authentic, and clear. We want to help our clients and candidates grow by providing relevant information. We choose deep topics that resonate with our audience in our content and are keen to share knowledge with clients. We take our clients seriously and we are approachable and caring. We’re going to give you the insight you need to make the search for talent easier by being honest and direct. We are transparent and honest and we work hard to earn our client’s trust and build our network.

This was a massive shared effort across all teams in collaboration with Drew and Rose Agency, and I could not be prouder with our end results. We hope you enjoy our brand identity and what FiSearch has to offer.

Follow us on our LinkedIn and Instagram to stay up to date with our latest articles and job offers.

If you are looking to grow your team please get in touch with us. We work with Europe’s leaders in finance to connect and recruit seasoned finance professionals. 

Saskia Smith, Creative Director

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